Sunday 7 December 2014

It Is That Time of Year Again...

Okay, so today is December the 7th,and that means that it't nearly Christmas!

So everyone at my school is excited, and they've been paying Christmas songs since around the start of November. And yes, Christmas is exciting... Just not for me. 

I get it, I get it, I'm such a Scrooge, right? 

Well that's where you're wrong. I love Christmas, I just don't get excited about it all, because I never get my hopes up for anything. Sorry. 

But the weird thing is, this year I'm really looking forward to New Year. For a lot of people, New Year is a time to get drunk and have a massive party, and yeah, good for you, have fun. But I think a lot of people now are missing the whole point of New Year; for me, it's a time to reflect on the past year, and think about how I want to, or need to change my life to become a better person. 

A lot of people don't get that. 

This year, I want to be able to look back and think about all of the good things that have happened this year. There has been a lot, honestly. They might just be small things, like someone smiling at me on the street, but they matter because they made me happy. 
Honestly, I think 2014 has been one of the best years of my life, despite all of the negativity and my bad attitude. I've made some incredible friends, and I'm so glad I've got my best friend, because without her, I don't know how this year would have gone. 
(Thank you Emma ♥) 

I know it's a bit too early to write about New Year, but I'm looking forward to next year, and all of the changes I'm going to have to make. 

Have a good day!
- Dottie. 

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