Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Darkness - Late Night Thoughts...

"Mist swirling. Clouds drifting. Darkness, illuminated by a full moon. Silence. Nothing to fear...
And yet, we are taught to fear the dark, or rather, what lurks in it. 
Creatures dwell in the dark. Flying, shuffling, plodding along. These creatures live in their own worlds, doing the only thing they know - surviving.
Nothing will hurt us in the darkness.  
The darkness is beautiful, poetic. 
We are but another aspect of the night, of the Earth. We destroy it. 
We fear anything that could be a threat to us. Humans. We do not see things as they are, but as they could be, in the worst possible sense. 
Anything that does not personally benefit us has to go. We are selfish, we strive to be the best. To us, another's pain is nothing. We hunt for fun, claim it is a "sport". 
We never see the error of our ways. We will destroy the world we live in. 
We should learn a lesson from the darkness."

So today's post was a little different... I wanted to write something poetic about how the darkness is safe (at least, in the UK.. There are no wolves or bears here...), and how we're conditioned to fear the dark. 
... Buuuut it sort of ended up as a thing where I moan about how horrific humans are... 

- Dottie.


  1. I really loved this poem. I totally understand you humans can be horrible creatures. We try so hard to be accepting of ourselves. But sometimes I think its not the humans fault its society there are so many standards to live up to and things we have to follow or we will not be accepted and thats why sometimes we become selfish and compete to win.

    1. I definitely think society is part of the problem - growing up now, you need to have the latest phone and the nicest clothes to fit in.. Its almost as if we're taught to want to compete..
