Wednesday 16 December 2015

HOW TO: Scruffy Converse!! (and other things..)

Look how good my camera is!!!
Do you ever look at those DIY tutorials, and they are literally the most unhelpful thing to ever be written. Like they basically tell you all that you know. 
Another annoying one is when the web page's name suggests that it's going to be a whole page on relevant things, and then it turns out to be a load of links to other pages. Yup. Useful.. This happened on Tuesday when I was looking for DIY facial scrubs. It just kind of annoyed me.. 

But back to the first one... Something that I've always wanted is a pair of really messed up Converse. I've had mine for around three years, now. And at least once a year, I will google "how to scruffy Converse" and it basically tells me what I already know.. You either get a nail file and scuff the canvas, or basically just wear them. Which, obviously, I've done. (Not the nail file part, the wearing them part..) You don't spend nearly fifty quid on a pair of shoes for them to sit in a wardrobe for years. Nah, mate, not me!! 

However, my beloved Chucks are slowly getting there. I wore them to the dodgiest club ever (by my standards.. Which is hella dodgy, as it turns out..) and fell up the stairs. Well done, me. I wasn't even drunk, because if you click here, you'll find out that I'm (still) straightedge. So one of the toes has got a yucky scuff on it.. I've just realised that it could well be someone's sweat, because at the time, the venue had sweat condensing on the walls. Ew, ew, ew. I've also had someone else's blood on these shoes.. And I know what you're thinking (kill them, kill them with fire!!!!), but it wasn't my fault. I was at a gig and someone got punched in the face and their blood dripped onto my shoes... And my white shirt.. So y'know, it's not like they shouldn't be scruffy and dirty, especially after three years of wear. 

But there's something about Chucks that I love.. I think it's the fact that they're the shoe of choice for punks, and rockers, and alternative people. And, sure, the hipsters have them now, but it's still a pretty cool thing.. 

By the way, if you're here to learn how to mess up your Converse, the post title lied, it's basically just me talking about shoes. But feel free to stick around, look at some other posts, and I dunno, join my gang.. (There's like three of us..) I don't have a gang... 

Hahah I don't even know what I'm going on about any more, I'm just kind of writing. One of these days I will write an actual post with an actual purpose. Today, however, is not that day. Nope, not today. Sorry. I'm actually finding it really fun to just write and think and put random crap down on a page. I also pull faces when I write, because I'm imagining myself saying this as I write it. 
I am listening to a song that keeps saying "You. Are. Beautiful." And it's making me happy. Also this post is early today. They don't usually go up until like 9 pm (UK time). I guess I'm just bored today.. 

Whelp, I just realised that I haven't practised guitar in days, so that is what I'm going to do now!!

To end this post, I am going to tell you that the photo doesn't do the scruffiness of my shoes justice. The flash was on. 

Bye for now!!
- Dottie. 

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